TPL (9)

Should I await on Task.FromResult Method Calls?
24 February 2014 · 3 minutes read

Task class has a static method called FromResult which returns an already completed (at the RanToCompletion status) Task object. I have seen a few developers "await"ing on Task.FromResult method call and this clearly indicates that there is a misunderstanding here. I'm hoping to clear the air a bit with this post.

Sides and Source Code for DEU Bilgisayar Topluluğu Izmir 2. Teknoloji Zirvesi
8 January 2013 · 1 minutes read

This weekend, I participated in an event as a speaker in Izmir, DEU Bilgisayar Topluluğu Izmir 2. Teknoloji Zirvesi. Sides and Source Code for my sessions are available.

Why am I not Using NancyFx Instead of ASP.NET MVC / Web API
18 December 2012 · 6 minutes read

Why am I not using NancyFx instead of ASP.NET MVC / Web API? Because of a very important and vital missing part with NancyFx: asynchrony!

ASP.NET SignalR Alpha 1.0.0 is Now Available!
31 October 2012 · 2 minutes read

Couple of hours ago, @DamianEdwards has announced that ASP.NET SignalR Alpha 1.0.0 release is now publicly available! Even better! SignalR has just shipped with ASP.NET Fall 2012 Update!

Asynchronous .NET Client Libraries for Your HTTP API and Awareness of async/await's Bad Effects
21 September 2012 · 9 minutes read

Writing asynchronous .NET Client libraries for your HTTP API and using asynchronous language features (aka async/await) and some deadlock issue you might face.

Dealing with Asynchrony inside the ASP.NET Web API HTTP Message Handlers
8 September 2012 · 7 minutes read

How to most efficiently deal with asynchrony inside ASP.NET Web API HTTP Message Handlers with TaskHelpers NuGet package or C# 5.0 asynchronous language features

The Perfect Recipe to Shoot Yourself in The Foot - Ending up with a Deadlock Using the C# 5.0 Asynchronous Language Features
2 June 2012 · 4 minutes read

Let's see how we can end up with a deadlock using the C# 5.0 asynchronous language features (AKA async/await) in our ASP.NET applications and how to prevent these kinds of scenarios.

Asynchronous Database Calls With Task-based Asynchronous Programming Model (TAP) in ASP.NET MVC 4
9 April 2012 · 6 minutes read

Asynchronous Database Calls With Task-based Asynchronous Programming Model (TAP) in ASP.NET MVC 4 and its performance impacts.

My Take on Task-base Asynchronous Programming in C# 5.0 and ASP.NET MVC Web Applications
26 February 2012 · 7 minutes read

I'm trying to show you what new C# 5.0 can bring us in terms of asynchronous programming with await keyword. Especially on ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Applications.