Continuous Delivery (4)

NDC Oslo 2016 in a Nutshell
25 June 2016 ยท 5 minutes read

I had the privilege to attend NDC Oslo 2016 as a speaker this year. It was a fabulous experience. With this post, I want to share my talk and the list of sessions that grabbed my attention.

Off to Oslo for NDC Developer Conference
5 June 2016 ยท 1 minutes read

Next week, I am off to Oslo for one of my favorite conferences: NDC Oslo and this time is a little bit more special as I am one of the speakers this year, talking about zero-downtime deployments.

Your Git Repository is Your Deployment Boundary
22 May 2016 ยท 2 minutes read

In this short post, I will try to explain why I think that your Git repository should be your deployment boundary.

Versioning Software Builds Based on Git Tags and Semantic Versioning (SemVer)
16 April 2016 ยท 7 minutes read

I have been using a technique to set the build version on my CI (continuous integration) system, Travis CI, based on Git tags and semantic versioning (SemVer). In this post, I want to share this with you and give you an implementation of that in Bash.