OAuth (2)

Simple OAuth Server: Implementing a Simple OAuth Server with Katana OAuth Authorization Server Components (Part 1)
1 April 2014 ยท 11 minutes read

In my previous post, I emphasized a few important facts on my journey of building an OAuth authorization server. As great people say: "Talk is cheap. Show me the code." It is exactly what I'm trying to do in this blog post. Also, this post is the first one in the "Simple OAuth Server" series.

My Baby Steps to OAuth 2.0 Hell (or Should I Call It Heaven)
16 March 2014 ยท 5 minutes read

Securing our HTTP API endpoints are one of the biggest challenges we face when writing so-called modern applications and this is where the OAuth 2.0 enters. In this post, I will highlight the things that I have found vital for the last couple of months when I have been working on an OAuth 2.0 Server implementation in .NET Framework.