Best Solution to My Web Site With ASP.Net MVC 3 & Razor View Engine!

Recently, I have been playing around with MVC a lot and I decided to use the latest MVC tecnology on my web site...
9 December 2010
2 minutes read

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tugberk-ugurlu-com-commercial-logo-2.PNGRecently, I have been playing around with ASP.Net MVC 3.0 a lot and I decided to use the latest MVC tecnology on my web site and I have just updated my web site with MVC 3.0 and I used Razor as view engine.

I have used NuGet a lot with this project and I cannot imagine life without NuGet now :D This must be the major side affect of the NuGet, I guess :)

I have implemented lots of new features and I realized that I have improved a lot because now I consider the fact that people needs to reach the information in a very easy way. So I created tags section, archive section and internal search.

Also, I noticed that registration is lame and so I enabled comments to anyone. You do not need to log into system in order to leave a comment, just do it.

I thought that deployment would be the most annoying part since I have shared hosting (because no one is willing to support me :)) but the Visual Studio 2010 make it so easy for me with publish web site button! I just configured the publish wizard and the IDE did all the work. The hostng firm doesn't support the MVC 3 as I imagined so I need to do a little trick there. I coppied the essential dll files for MVC 3 application into my bin folder.

Ok, guys. Let's see how long I could stand up with this web site :)